Athletics and atopic eczema

The essentials : t-shirt, shorts, cotton socks, suitable running shoes for athletics, a hat, sunglasses and a soft pure cotton or microfibre towel.
Personal care products and treatments suited to your skin: your shower product, moisturizing cream and sun cream. Do not borrow products from your friends.
What to do before athletics ?
Put sun cream everywhere your skin is exposed to the sun, especially on your face. If possible, put a barrier cream on exposed areas while getting changed.
What to do after athletics ?
First, rinse well (count to at least 30) using lukewarm water (less than 35°C) ; wash only the areas that are dirty and then rinse again ; pat your skin dry without rubbing and then apply moisturising cream to the entire body, including your face. In the evening before bed, remember to apply your topical corticosteroids to itchy areas.
- Do not give your clothes and jersey to the club. It is better to wash them at home with your usual detergent.
- Protect yourself from the sun (and encourage your friends to do likewise).
- If you come into contact with sand (in the long jump, for example), rinse your body thoroughly with water in the shower and clean your skin well.
- If sweat is making you uncomfortable and irritating you, you can also apply a barrier cream to your skin before exercise.
- Like every good athlete, a 10-minute warm-up is eessential for preparing your muscles and preventing a muscle injury!
Athletics is not recommended in eczema cases.
FALSE : athletics provides an opportunity to socialize and open up to others. Playing sport is beneficial, if a few precautions are taken.
Special (breathable) clothing is prohibited.
FALSE : special clothes are not banned. They must be tested outside training time, and not during a flare-up, before using them regularly. If you do not feel well in them, or if they aggravate your atopic dermatitis, wear cotton clothes instead, even if they are less breathable.
Long-jumping into sand is not allowed.
FALSE : give it a try! Rinse thoroughly in the shower to make sure that all the sand is removed.
If you have atopic dermatitis, you cannot play sports outdoors.
FALSE : sports activities can be played indoors or outdoors.
Why do athletics?
- Playing sport is good for your health, but also for gaining self-confidence.
- Athletics allows you to try out numerous disciplines.
- You will meet and share with your sports friends and learn about solidarity.
- Athletics is an accessible sport because most towns have an athletics ground and the necessary equipment.