Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions Find all the answers to the most frequently asked questions on atopic eczema.

Does stress cause atopic eczema? Does it make skin more fragile?

Eczema is a multifactorial disease of epigenetic origin (our genes determine abnormalities in the skin barrier) but is also linked to environmental factors. The degree to which environmental factors can aggravate symptoms varies for each patient, depending on their lifestyle, hygiene rituals, diet, etc.

In other words, stress in no way causes eczema to appear, but it can be a contributing factor.

Atopic eczema and emotions

Which hydroalcoholic gels should you use if you have eczema?

If you have eczema, it is best to select neutral, fragrance-free hydroalcoholic gels. Ask your pharmacist for advice on choosing the right gel for you. Avoid hydroalcoholic solutions.

Eczema: creating a barrier

How much hydroalcoholic gel should you use?

The right dose is the amount needed to fully coat your hands. Depending on the manufacturer, this is typically one or two pumps, or a dollop, in the palm of the hand. If using a solution, only a few drops are needed.

Eczema: creating a barrier

Hydroalcoholic gel / hydrating cream: in what order should these products be applied?

It is best to hydrate your hands after applying a hydroalcoholic gel, as the cream may inhibit the gel’s antibacterial efficacy

+ Creating a barrier

Is colloidal silver recommended for treating eczema?

Colloidal silver is a colorless liquid solution comprised of silver particles suspended in ultra-pure water. When applied directly to the skin, its antibacterial action prevents infection and can even relieve pain and promote healing. However, it offers no real treatment for eczema.

+ Medications used to treat eczema

Is the hydrolipidic film responsible for the appearance of eczema?

Yes, but only partly. Imagine that the skin’s structure lacks cement between the cells, thus becoming permeable and opening the door to allergens and all sorts of bacteria found on the skin’s surface. Keeping skin hydrated helps prevent these pathogens from penetrating the skin.

Understanding eczema

Is it possible to develop a cortisone addiction?

Be careful not to confuse oral cortisone treatments with cortisone creams. Addiction does occur in people taking tablets.

With cortisone cream, however, all that occurs when treatment is stopped is the red patches return. Some mistakenly interpret this as withdrawal.

In reality, this resurgence in symptoms is associated mainly with the use of unsuitable daily hydrating and cleansing care, surely due to a misunderstanding.

At the start of the Covid-19 epidemic, the French Minister of Health advised against the use of anti-inflammatories. Is it safe to continue applying topical corticosteroids?

The Minister's recommendation applies to oral anti-inflammatories only. As for topical corticosteroids, there is no contraindication to continuing treatment during the pandemic.

Do cortisone creams have side effects?


Can you continue applying topical corticosteroids in the context of Covid-19?

The Minister's recommendation applies to oral anti-inflammatories only. As for topical corticosteroids, there is no contraindication to continuing treatment during the pandemic.


Can a magnetizer treat eczema?

Atopic eczema is a multifactorial disease with multiple causes. So, it seems unlikely that a magnetizer would be able to resolve all the problems associated with the pathology. Nevertheless, this type of treatment can be helpful in terms of providing a resource person for the patient, an energy approach, etc.

Lifestyle and eczema


At what age does atopic eczema appear?

Atopic eczema usually appears before the age of six months and improves before adolescence in 80% of cases.

The possible progression of atopic eczema

What are the signs?

Dry skin, red patches and itching.

Understanding eczema 

Why do some children have eczema?

The main causes of eczema are an atopic predisposition (family) and certain environmental factors. If one of the parents is atopic, the risk of the child being atopic is approximately 50%. The term "atopy" refers to a number of diseases, such as eczema, asthma and seasonal rhino-conjunctivitis. The risk increases if both parents are atopic. When the skin comes into contact with irritants such as wool or heat from a radiator, redness may appear.

Eczema in infants

In what areas does eczema usually appear?

In infants: on the most exposed areas - the cheeks, forehead and chin

In children: inside folds - elbows, behind the knees, on the upper side of the feet, hands, the torso or neck

In adults: the face, neck and hands.

Areas affected by eczema

What happens to eczema when a child grows older?

After the age of seven, close to 80% of children see their eczema disappear. However, dry and irritable skin will persist throughout their life. On the occasion of stressful events or conflicts during adolescence, eczema may reappear.

The possible progression of atopic eczema

Should we be afraid of dermocorticosteroids?

No, dermocorticosteroids are the benchmark treatment for atopic eczema flare-ups. (As long as the inflammation is present, one application per day on the inflamed lesions only - use dermocorticosteroids again upon reoccurrence.) The doctor's prescription must be followed. When the treatment is followed properly, the results are spectacular. The itching disappears in a few days and the undesirable effects are very rare in practice.

Do cortisone creams have side effects?

Is eczema contagious?

No, eczema is absolutely not contagious. Children suffering from this disease must be allowed to play normally with their friends.

Should a child suffering from eczema see a psychologist?

Atopic eczema is not a psychological disease. However, the severity of the pathology and its impact on the quality of life of the patient and his or her family may at times be such that psychological care is required.

+ The psychological impact of atopic eczema

Can children be vaccinated if they suffer from eczema?

Yes, there are no contraindications, unless the child has a very severe flare-up. (N.B. not on the eczema patches.)

+ Eczema and vaccines

Should the child's family and those around him or her be told that the child has eczema?

Yes, it is crucial that the child's teacher be informed because she will know how to explain what eczema is in children's words, which will reassure the child and allow him or her to cope with his disease. She will know what measures to take: to place the child away from the radiator and to check that he or she isn't wearing too many clothes.


+ Eczema at school

Can a child suffering from eczema swim in the pool or seawater?

A child who suffers from eczema must imperatively be monitored and treated by a doctor. He or she can swim, but chlorine and salt may irritate his or her skin. After swimming, the child should rinse off, dry without rubbing and apply a moisturizing cream to the entire body.

Swimming and atopic eczema

Can a child suffering from eczema play sports?

Yes, all children can play sports. However, sweat causes scratching. Regardless of the activity, the child should systematically rinse off, dry without rubbing and apply a moisturizing cream to the entire body.

Advice and tips so that you have total freedom to play sports!

Is sun good for children suffering from eczema?

Although eczema improves during the summer, certain protective measures should be adopted: shade, clothing, hat, very high protection sun cream … (and recommendations from the child's dermatologist).

+ Atopic eczema and sun


Can children suffering from eczema have pets?

Many children dream of having a pet. In any event, animals with fur or hair (dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters …) should not sleep in the child's bed or on the sofa. The house must be vacuumed at least three times per week. (Ask your doctor before purchasing a pet.)

+ Can I have a dog or cat if I have eczema?

Can certain foods cause eczema?

Yes, certain foods can trigger flare-ups in sensitive children. The main foods are: cow's milk, eggs, peanuts, wheat flour, fish and shrimp. With the globalization of dietary habits and the diversification of food products, the list now includes kiwi, nuts and sesame. When in doubt, consult an allergist.

Diet and eczema