Atopic eczema: good habits to adopt at home

By adopting a few good habits, you can reduce the frequency and severity of atopic eczema flare-ups. You may already be aware of the bathroom habits, but there are other steps you can take around the house as well.
Good habits at home
In simple terms, atopic eczema occurs when skin becomes inflamed easily. Triggers or aggravating factors are difficult to identify, as they can combine and vary from one person to another. They are primarily linked to the environment and to allergens, microbes, temperature variations, etc.
To limit the appearance of eczema, you must therefore protect your skin against aggressions as much as possible and ensure that skin reacts as little as possible. You cannot prevent flare-ups completely, but by adopting good habits, you can reduce their frequency and intensity!
Some habits to adopt
When combined, good habits can make all the difference. So embrace them! In short, they consist of avoiding potential allergens, keeping air healthy, and preventing dry skin
Avoid overheating your room
This key habit prevents the air from becoming overly dry, which would result in even more fragile skin. Keep a maximum temperature of up to 18°C, especially at night.
Air out your space daily
Make it a habit to air out your space every day to allow some fresh air into your home. This reduces the presence of certain allergens such as mites and prevents the air from becoming overly dry.
Avoid carpets and down pillows and duvets
Carpets trap dust and attract mites. If you have eczema, you should ideally stick to linoleum, parquet or tile flooring.
With regard to bedding, anti-mite equipment is a definite advantage, as are cotton or linen sheets. If your budget allows, why not invest in a luxuriously soft silk pillowcase? Stay away from down, which provides optimum living conditions for mites.
Vacuum often
If animal hairs, dust or mites are inside the vacuum cleaner, that means fewer problems for your skin to deal with!
Yes, you can have a pet!
Cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters... No need to deny yourself the joy of a furry little companion, especially one that provides comfort. Pets can help ease the burden of eczema. They make excellent confidants who are great at keeping secrets, and petting them is instantly relaxing, providing another wonderful alternative to scratching. Do take one precaution, however: better to keep pets out of the bedroom (or even the house) and certainly out of your bed. Be sure to keep the bedroom doors closed when you leave the house.
Avoid smoking, especially indoors
Atopy and cigarettes are a bad combo, as tobacco can aggravate eczema symptoms. If you smoke, or if your guests smoke, be sure to limit it to outside or well-ventilated spaces.