Eczema and vaccines: should you avoid vaccinating your child?

Don’t worry; atopic eczema in no way affects your ability to get vaccinated. The only recommendation is to avoid getting vaccines during a flare-up, as the body is already dealing with those effects.
Protect your child: get them vaccinated!
Vaccines are not contraindicated
Atopic eczema should have no bearing on your decision to vaccinate your child. Your child should follow the recommended vaccination schedule to ensure they are fully protected. Both mandatory and optional vaccines are recommended to help prevent serious diseases. Vaccinating children with eczema can only help, especially given the fact that they are more vulnerable to infections.
A minor flare-up is normal
In some cases, the child may experience a flare-up after receiving the vaccine. The immune system is stimulated to produce antibodies against the vaccine. These are the same immunity mechanisms involved with atopic eczema. So, a minor flare-up is no cause for alarm. It is simply a sign that the skin was “ready to react” to its environment on two fronts.
Egg allergies and vaccines
Some vaccines contain egg white proteins, which may be of concern for those with egg allergies. This is cause for concern only if the patient has a history of serious reactions from consuming eggs. In any event, all pediatricians follow protocols in place to make it possible to vaccinate all children, even those with egg allergies, without triggering a reaction.
What happens in the case of a proven allergy to eggs:
- Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine: no problems, even in those with severe allergies, so no precautions necessary.
- Flu: the doctor will choose a brand with the lowest dose of ovalbumin (ask your pharmacist).
- Yellow fever: once again, the ovalbumin content is taken into account. Must be given in a specialist vaccination center.
- Rabies: in France, the rabies vaccine is cultivated on vero cells rather than eggs and can be given to allergic patients without any issues.
- Tick-borne encephalitis (Ticovac®): the same precautions apply as with yellow fever.
If you decide against the doctor’s advice not to vaccinate your child, you are placing their life at risk.